Tag Archives: HR Block

SMC Seattle – March Meeting Wrap Up

imageThe third Social Media Club (SMC) meeting of 2009 was a success. The event was hosted at Sole Repair on Capitol Hill in Seattle and featured H&R Block as a sponsor.

Kevin Urie, SMC Seattle Founder, kicked it off and David Escobar of H&R Block kept it flowing.

image At first when I heard H&R Block was going to speak I could not quite figure out what they could say. Well, I was pleasantly surprised and can report that H&R Block has a set of services that relates very well to many of the Social Media Club members. The services offered include help understanding the implications related to taxes for the self-employed and those thinking of becoming a free agent. They also offer help to maximize benefits and write offs available for those that have been laid off and how to itemize deductions related to job searches. Finally they discussed what the 2009 Stimulus means to us. All of this in less than 10 minutes. David spent time taking questions and talking 1:1 too. Great speaker, great sponsor, great information.

Thanks H&R Block and David Escobar.


In fact, Social Media Club and H&R Block have teamed up to create the Social Media Tax Center and will host 10 meetings across the US. If you want more information for a meeting in your region check here. Each city will host a 15 minute Q&A session with additional time afterwards for one on one discussions based off the following short presentation H&R Block: Tax Tips for Consultants

The SMC Seattle events are always a lot of fun and a great chance to meet new people, catch up with friends, and even celebrate a birthday. Tamara Weikel was serenaded by the SMC Seattle crowd as they sang Happy Birthday to her.

Behind the Scenes

A few things I heard and saw tonight

There are a few people I always look forward to seeing. Shauna Causey of Comcast is one – she is always willing to jump in and help and she knows everyone. Another is Kenji Onozawa he always brings great ideas to conversation. I always enjoy catching up with TJ Sopher and Veronica Sopher too. Together they have a great perspective on the Social Media scene. I also got a chance to catch up with fellow surfer (real Ocean Waves & Interwebs) Charl Pearce and met a long time Microsoftie and fellow California native checking out the SMC scene – Markee Foster.


“Social Media flattens the hierarchy  – tonight I met executives, interns, and students. I love it that everyone can bring something to the conversation.”
Joann Jen (@joannjen)


“I attend a similar event called the Art Klatch – also on Capitol Hill – and wanted to see how other groups interact and learn from each other.” 
Paul Natkin – visual artist

It’s also great to see Warren Sukernek and Blake Cahill. Both work for Social Media Measurement firms – Radian6 and Visible Technologies, respectively – yet they are talking and chatting it up. They realize that the best way to work in Social Media is the BE SOCIAL & SOCIABLE. As I have often said – You never know when you might be working together … again.
Long Riders – People will come a long way for the SMC

  • Leavenworth – I had the pleasure of meeting Geordie Romer at the last two SMC meetings. He may be the person that travelled the greatest distance to attend. He comes all the way from Leavenworth. In case you don’t know where Leavenworth is — it’s a few hours away and requires the navigation of at least one mountain pass (it snowed this week) and is fashioned after a Bavarian Village. It’s a beautiful weekend getaway. Geordie can help you find a place too.
  • Mt. VernonJohn Moody comes from the gateway to the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival where he is a Ruby on Rails developer. He came to the event to connect with people that are in the Social Media community — He came to the right place.

image Thanks for all the hard work from the SMC Seattle board members for putting the pieces in place to make this event a success. A huge THANK YOU to the SMC members and the guests that attended the SMC Seattle March meeting.  We hope to see you in April.

What if you missed it?

If you could not make it tonight don’t worry. The next event will be in April. Details will be posted shortly. We hope to see you there.

If you CAN’T WAIT? There is no need to wait until April – Check out what the SMC Seattle is up to on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

This is a guest post by Jeff Shuey – A SMC board member.

My First SMC Seattle Event

By Christian Nossum

I just got home from my first SMC Seattle event tonight. I went with an open mind and no idea of what to expect. All I knew was that H&R Block was the sponsor and that they were going to talk for a few minutes about taxes (and they actually shared a few useful tips!). The event at Sole Repair was packed: 100+ tickets were sold, and the drinks were flowing. The place was rocking, and everyone was networking and sharing. I had initially worried about attending another “networking” event where everyone’s trying to sell you something. Thankfully, SMC Seattle wasn’t like that. It’s just full of people that are genuinely interested in sharing and learning more about social media. I like that. I’m really looking forward to learning and sharing more at the next event. I can’t wait to implement some of the ideas I heard tonight. Oh, and look out for the Puget Sound Blood Center (@BloodCenter). They should have some interesting upcoming tweets and perhaps even a mobile tweetup/blood drive soon. Who wouldn’t want to see a vampire asking for your blood (it’s for a good cause!)?

Christian Nossum is a member of the SMC Seattle team.
Find Christian on Twitter @awesomenossum and his web site Deals in Seattle.

What’s H&R Block doing with Social Media? Cool stuff, it turns out….

Advertising Age just posted an article and a peek into what H&R Block is doing with social media this tax season–Inside H&R Block’s Social Media Marketing Blitz. Now H&R Block is sharing what they tried, what they kicked to the curb and what they learned in their efforts to use social media in a way that works.

Happily for all you social media geeks in Seattle, you can hear all about this adventure at our next Social Media Club meeting Tuesday, March 24th at the Sole Repair Shop on Capital Hill right here in Seattle.

More information, access, sign up, and the rest: get your info here.

See you Tuesday, March 24th, 6:30 pm at Sole Repair!

Join Seattle Social Media Club and H+R Block on 3/24–how perfect is that?

H+R Block and Social Media Club? Yeah, H+R has something going on with their perspective on social media, and you’ll want to learn about it on March 24th at Capitol Hill’s Sole Repair Shop at 6:30pm.

Join us and  meet other social media enthusiasts, bloggers, entrepreneurs and communicators at Social Media Club Seattle’s (SMC Seattle) March event. This month is all about networking, sharing best practices, and learning from each other. The last two events have been a huge success and based on demand, we know this event will fill up fast. This month’s sponsor, H & R Block will give a brief presentation on tax considerations for social media practitioners.

Get your tickets to this event here–don’t wait, last time we sold out pretty quickly.

What: SMC Seattle March Networking Event
Who: Anyone interested in social media
When: March 24 at 6:30 p.m. Hosted bar for the first hour.
Where: Sole Repair, a private event facility at 1001 East Pike in Seattle. (206) 979-SHOP.

About SMC Seattle: Founded in late 2008 by Kevin Urie, Social Media Club Seattle is a chapter of the national Social Media Club. SMC Seattle officially had its kick-off event in January 2009 and has since grown to serve 1,350 people on Twitter, over 500 on Facebook and numerous others on LinkedIn. The group’s organizers consist of bloggers, entrepreneurs, and business professionals from Spring Creek, Visible Technologies, 123SocialMedia, Ascentium and Comcast among others.
To learn more, connect with us at:
Twitter: @SMCSeattle
Facebook: SMC Seattle
LinkedIn: Social Media Club Seattle page
Blog: https://seattlesmc.wordpress.com/
Email: SMCinSeattle@gmail.com